Bass Clef Tuba in Eb Solo – Paperback




A Wizard in the Kitchen – arranged for bass clef tuba in Eb solo is a wacky, beautifully illustrated story with a play-along soundtrack.  It has been written for young instrumentalists and their teachers/parents and offers a fun and innovative approach to music-making.  The book does not include a backing CD but, containing an oscar-deserving narration and orchestral ‘film’ score, its FREE backing track can be downloaded here.

Using this book with its backing track, the instrumental soloist simply follows along with the narration and, by playing each of the musical cues after a count-in, contributes an intrinsic part in the creation of differing moods and the telling of a tale.  Harry, a rather ordinary boy, is relieved to say farewell to his strange and ridiculous music teacher only to discover that she is a lot, lot stranger than he could have possibly imagined.  His journey takes us from moments of light-hearted comedy to suspense and high drama, all created through the integration of story, picture and music.

A Wizard in the Kitchen has broad appeal but has been geared towards children aged seven to eleven and the difficulty of the score has been tailored to meet the average skillset of a student learning to play their instrument for about a year (approximately ABRSM grade one). Taking fifteen minutes to perform and providing a rich stage on which a budding virtuoso can entertain friends and family members, it has been arranged for many other instruments and is also available in video format.

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