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Printing Your PDF
While the pdf books can be read digitally, they can also be printed out.
All the pdf files present a complete book including colour front and back covers. We suggest that they are printed as follows:
- Print the colour covers, i.e. the first and last pages, on two separate sheets of paper.
- Leaving the blank page after the front cover and the blank page before the back cover, print the remaining ‘body’ of the book in black and white. In order to keep the left/right layout, print the pages back to back: starting at page three, print out the odd numbered pages first, each on its own piece of paper, and then, starting at page four, print the even numbered pages on the reverse sides so that page four is printed on the reverse side of page three and page six is printed on the reverse side of page five etc… This will ensure that the even numbered pages are on the left hand side when the book is opened.
- Insert the black and white ‘body’ of the book between the front and back colour covers.
The original illustrations of Gill Vines
‘I was put in contact with Gill via a mutual friend. We first arranged to meet for a coffee which gave me a chance to chat about the project and also gave Gill an opportunity to show me some of her fine artwork. I was super-impressed but, at the time, unsure if illustrating A Wizard in the Kitchen was something she would want to do. I really hoped so. I need not have been concerned though because, less than an hour later, Gill had emailed me a scan of a preliminary sketch for Mrs Kitchen. It was fantastic, spot on, and just the sort of thing I was looking for! A couple of months later I was gazing at the complete portfolio of her Wizard illustrations, amazed at how much the style and energy of her drawings brought the story to life. They seemed to work perfectly with Tony’s wonderful, larger-than-life narration. I can honestly say that, after some time, I still get as much pleasure from looking at them as I did then. Thank you Gill.’
Phil Watkins – author
‘Talking of Gill’s illustrations bringing the story to life, in a similar vein, I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Tony Fielding-Raby for the wonderful rendition of the story used on the backing tracks and the videos. I’ve actually known Tony for many years: I’ve accompanied his singing and I’ve written music for one of the plays he directed. I was thrilled when he agreed to record the narration for me because I know what a fine actor he his. Actually, he’s a fine friend as well! I think we recorded it over two or three sessions and it was a lot of fun. Really! And he had an instinctive flair for the zany, panto-style of the script that needed very little in the way of direction. I honestly don’t think that his portrayal of Mrs K can be battered: outrageous; ridiculous and as sizzling as an about-to-explode sausage. Is it possible to say ‘regular fries and ketchup’ in a more spectacular fashion? I don’t think so. Thank you Tony.’
Phil Watkins – author